All other news now pales into insignificance. Except for the minor fact that The Blonde got a job, which is thrilling.
I'm going to be the hottest kid on the block, the man about town, the IT girl, the One To Watch, the Oscar winner, the Mojo, the Mover and the Shaker when I move my moneymaker in this green badboy. This veritable pinnacle of sleeping-bag design.
Just have a look at the picture. Notice the freedom of movement, the energy the bag brings to its occupant. See how the gentleman in the periwinkle blue suit is able to stand arms akimbo, confronting his worst nightmares secure in the knowledge that he is essentially bomb-proof. Witness the similarly confident pose of the man in khaki green, gazing up into the middle distance and contemplating the near limitless possibilities the suit now affords him. And the man in yellow is demonstrating just how fucking extreme your motion can be. Your mind is perplexed, bamboozled; you ask yourself the question you never dared to ask before. Is this a sleeping bag I can dance in?!!?
Daaaaamn straight. I just moonwalked in mine.
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