Warm weather brings out the best in all of us. We all wake up with ease at first light, children skip gayly to school, teachers discard coats and scarves for linen suits and summer frocks, pupils partake of picnicked packed lunches and all is good with the world.
One slight, unexpected snag:
The heat means I have to teach with my windows open. Outside my classroom is the smokers' corner. The smokers happen to be truants. Ergo, my classroom fills with smoke during lessons.
Yesterday I was forced into action. A Year 9 French lesson decended into a pantomime of choking and asthma attacks as the smoker-truants began doing what they do outside my window. My students scented the cloud of chaos and weren't going to let it drift past their, um, noses without an...er...opportunistic puff...?
I decided it best to cut my losses and nip the problem in the bud. Out I strode from my classroom without much further ado to look for a senior member of staff who might be on duty and who would be able to clear the smokers' corner for me. Unfortunately no-one was about so I had to evict them myself. I rounded the corner of the building and walked down towards them. They were a small group of six teenagers, all White Working Class (as trendy demograp
hic analysis in the school terms them), all notorious truants in little semblance of school uniform, (faux?) gold necklaces, rings and earrings a-plenty. The scene went something like this:
Me: Gents, what are you doing here? You should be in class.
WWC1: Who the fuck are you?

WWC2: We're on a part-timetable so we're allowed to be here.
Me: You're not allowed to smoke and you're disturbing my lesson. You have to move.
WWC3 takes out an aerosol can of deodorant and starts spraying it onto the windows
of my classroom. I can see all the Year 9s on the other side of the window watchin
g with avid glee.
WWC1: Oi come we go to his class then since he's disturbin' us. Let's boy 'im off - Sir, we're comin to your class. Come we go.
WWC2, 3, 4 start sniggering, but put their cigarettes out.
Me: If you don't move now I'll fetch a teacher that you do know and there will be consequences.
No reaction. I turn to go and fetch a teacher that they know. WWC5 spits at me, I think. I cannot be sure because I've turned my back, but I heard him spit, snigger and when I look round again they're smiling back at me. I carry on walking back to the school where I find an experienced and senior member of staff who goes out to deal with the matter. When I re-enter the class the Year 9s rush back to their seats and someone shouts out: "SIR GOT TOLD!!"
You win some, you lose some.
Incidentally - to "get told" or to "get boy'd off" is equivalent to being 'disrespected' or insulted.
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