Title of PowerPoint: "Why I'm a good leader"
Hamid: Let's put that I'm sick at hunting, yeah?
Abdi: [painstakingly starts typing] Yes bruv. And let's put that we're Afghan soldiers and Somali pirates.
Hamid: Hahahaha. Afghan soldiers UK, brrrup brrrup! What!
Abdi has finished his slow typing. The screen reads "Elect me cos I'm good at haunting".
Abdi: Let's put pictures of our weapons up.
Hamid: Put a machine gun.
Abdi: And a rocket launcher.
Abdi finds a picture of a baby holding a sub-machine gun and copies it onto his slide.
Hamid: Hahahaha that's you.
Abdi: Hahahaha eeeeazy, that's my li'l brother, allaiiii!
Hamid: Hahahaha Somali pirates UK, brrrrup brrrrup! What!
Abdi: Hahahahaha safe!