Monday, 22 March 2010

The inanities of the everyday

Abdi is helping Hamid. (Names changed. As always.) They are producing projects on the theme of Politics The two of them are trying to get 'elected' to political power by their peers and are putting together a PowerPoint spelling out why they should be chosen. The election is taking place on an imaginary island where they have found themselves stranded with their classmates.

Title of PowerPoint: "Why I'm a good leader"

Hamid: Let's put that I'm sick at hunting, yeah?
Abdi: [painstakingly starts typing] Yes bruv. And let's put that we're Afghan soldiers and Somali pirates.
Hamid: Hahahaha. Afghan soldiers UK, brrrup brrrup! What!
Abdi has finished his slow typing. The screen reads "Elect me cos I'm good at haunting".
Abdi: Let's put pictures of our weapons up.
Hamid: Put a machine gun.
Abdi: And a rocket launcher.
Abdi finds a picture of a baby holding a sub-machine gun and copies it onto his slide.
Hamid: Hahahaha that's you.
Abdi: Hahahaha eeeeazy, that's my li'l brother, allaiiii!
Hamid: Hahahaha Somali pirates UK, brrrrup brrrrup! What!
Abdi: Hahahahaha safe!

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