Tuesday 10 November 2009


Year 9 French
Me: Do you need a dictionary to complete your homework? You can borrow a school one if you need.
TM: Skeen, Sir, no need, yeah? I've got a massive dictionary at home - my mum bought it. It's a theosaurus as well.
Me: A theosaurus? Like a new type of dinosaur? scoff scoff.
TM: Unnnergh, Sir. Don't you know? A THEEE-OH-SAURUS is like a massive dictionary!


Learning Conversation with Form
Me: So you're taking the Textiles GCSE in the end?
AJ: Yeah, Miss is offering it after schools. We're gonna do it on Tuesdays.
Me: Brilliant. Make sure you attend all the sessions.
AJ: Obviously, Sir!
Me: (ever the nagging pedant) And you'll have less time for it than for your other GCSEs so you need to really put in the effort.
AJ: I know!
Me: (harping on) You should always go on time because Miss is putting it on in her own spare time, as I hope you realise!
AJ: Sir! Stop talking to me like I'm innocent!
Me: Innocent?
AJ: You know, like as if I don't know anything!
Me: Ignorant?

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